This article will discuss what Cellular Health is, what happens when your cells are not healthy, and what you can do to support your Cellular Health.

A cell is the basic building block of all living things. The human body is made up of trillions of cells that perform many critical functions in our bodies. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs form systems that make up your body.

For our bodies to function properly, our cells must function properly. This means that the health of your cells directly affects your health. Modern science has shown that by supporting our cells, we can boost our energy levels, fight off infections, and prevent diseases and chronic illnesses. If you want your body to function at its best, it’s important to ensure that your cells are functioning at their best and that means focusing on your Cellular Health. Cellular function also deteriorates as we age, and we gradually experience decreased energy. By supporting your Cellular Health, you can help preserve vitality as you age.

DNA, Mitochondria, and Metabolic Waste

DNA – Every cell contains DNA that functions like the cell’s brain by storing information for your cells. Your DNA also regulates the production of the Mitochondria in the cells.

Mitochondria – Mitochondria are cellular structures where oxygen and food nutrients are metabolized to create Energy. Picture these trillions of Mitochondria in your body as tiny engines that power your muscles, brain function, breathing, and heartbeat. Healthy Mitochondria operate like well-tuned engines by producing efficient power for you, while leaving small amounts of exhaust (metabolic waste). If too much “metabolic waste” builds up in your cells, your body’s Antioxidant defense system removes it.

Metabolic Waste and Free Radicals – As you age, the number of Mitochondria your cells have decreases, as does their efficiency, which results in decreased energy. To make matters worse, unhealthy Mitochondria produce more metabolic waste products in the form of Free Radicals that can damage your cellular DNA. If your cellular DNA starts getting damaged, a domino effect is initiated that can cause damage to critical cell structures and disrupt healthy cell function.

Dangers of Free Radicals and Oxidation

Let’s look at how Free Radicals cause damage to human cells:

  • Normal molecules contain an even number of electrons (as bonded pairs) and are considered stable. Free Radical molecules are missing one electron (that is, they are no longer bonded pairs) and are considered unstable. Since Free Radicals are missing an electron, they try to steal electrons from other “normal” molecules, which in turn, changes the “normal” molecules into a Free Radical.
  • As a result, the newly formed Free Radical will go on an electron-stealing search, causing the domino effect of cell damage.
  • This continuous process of Free Radical damage is called Oxidation. When DNA and other critical cell structures are damaged by Free Radicals, cells no longer function optimally.

Oxidative Stress

When Free Radicals accumulate, they can cause Oxidative Stress in the body, which challenge the health of your cell. When our cells are exposed to prolonged stress, their ability to function and duplicate decreases. If your body is stressed, the new cells that are reproduced are weaker and more susceptible to infection. Prolonged stress can also decrease your cell’s ability to remove metabolic waste. Studies have shown that chronic oxidative stress can increase your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer1.

Antioxidants and Polyphenols

Antioxidants are nature’s defense against Free Radicals. Antioxidants are electron-rich molecules that can donate their electrons to the Free Radicals and thus prevent them from damaging other cells. Your cells use Antioxidants to defend against DNA damage caused by Free Radicals. Foods high in Antioxidants are blueberries, strawberries, kale, beans, and artichokes. It is crucial to provide your body with sufficient Antioxidants to support healthy cell function and maintain vitality and wellness.

If you are not consuming enough Antioxidant rich foods, you can take a Polyphenol supplement to provide Antioxidants. Polyphenols are a powerful group of Antioxidants that provide protection against Free Radical damage to cellular DNA. Polyphenols can effectively neutralize Free Radical molecules and studies have shown they have a number of longevity health benefits2.


Polyphenol Supplement (Alpha CRS+)

Polyphenols Supplement (Alpha CRS+)

Alpha CRS+ is formulated with Polyphenols to support healthy cell function by providing Antioxidant protection to cellular DNA and other critical cell structures. Some of the key ingredients in Alpha CRS+ are listed below:

  • Baicalin – from the Scutellaria root, a plant in the mint family commonly called skullcap, it has been a long tradition of use in China. It supports healthy cell function with its antioxidant activity. It also supports a healthy inflammatory response, joint mobility, and helps cells fight oxidative stress.
  • Resveratrol – extracted from Japanese knotweed. It is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates cellular function.
  • Ellagic acid – a naturally occurring polyphenol found in pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and walnuts. It has antioxidant benefits and supports healthy metabolic function, intestinal health, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Grape seeds – rich in antioxidant polyphenols. The antioxidant benefits include support to the nervous, cardiovascular, ocular (eye), and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Curcumin – from the Turmeric herb. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the inflammatory response throughout the aging process. Other Curcumin health benefits include arthritis symptom relief (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), eye health, improved digestion, and liver health.
  • Silymarin – from the Milk Thistle herb. It supports healthy liver function, protects cellular function with its antioxidant activity, and helps maintain mitochondrial integrity. Silymarin also aids in the natural production of endogenous antioxidants.
  • Boswellic acids – are compounds found in the resin of Boswellia (Indian Frankincense) trees. They support healthy immune and inflammatory responses.
Alpha CRS+ Supplement Facts Info

Cellular Energy Blend in Alpha CRS+

The Alpha CRS+ contains a Cellular Energy Blend of metabolic factors to help your Mitochondria produce energy more efficiently. Your Mitochondria take in nutrients , break down the nutrients, and then turn them into energy that the cell uses to perform different functions. The Cellular Energy Blend includes metabolic factors of Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Ginkgo, and Quercetin. Providing the body with a steady stream of metabolic factors helps the Mitochondria efficiently produce energy, thereby providing a high level of energy.

Zoom in of the Alpha CRS+ Polyphenol

I hope this article was helpful in providing information on Cellular Health and what you can do to keep your cells healthy. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message at

Thank you,

Rose 🌹