Healthy Habits Coaching with Rose

Wellness Coach

Start Making Positive Changes To Your Life Today

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

How Do I Know if Coaching is Right for Me? What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is about helping functional people achieve their personal goals.  The person seeking Coaching is able to achieve their goals with effective information and support. The objective of Coaching is for a person to obtain personal growth and to reach their goals.

There is a difference between Therapy and Coaching. People seeking Coaching are considered functional and capable of success, whereas people seeking Therapy need healing.  Coaching is not a substitute for therapy that is provided by a licensed clinician trained to treat mental and emotional disorders. 

Coaching focuses on people taking actions and moving people to a higher level of personal growth.  People getting coached are willing to work with solutions to overcome barriers and to learn new skills. If you are open to putting in the work and taking the effort to make improvements in your life, Life Coaching is right for you!  I outline my Coaching System and how you can get started with me in 5 easy steps (found on the right). To get started, click here or on the “Get Started” button below.

My Coaching System – How to Get Started

1) Fill out your Intake Form

The purpose of the Intake Form is for you to let me know what your area(s) of concern is that you would like to improve.  It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out the Form.  To fill out your Intake Form, you can click here or on the green “Get Started” button.

2) Select an appointment time in the Calendar for your free Initial Consultation

The last step when filling out the Intake Form will show a calendar with my available appointment times. Select an appointment time in the calendar for your free Initial Consultation. I will call you at your booked appointment time.

3) Discuss your Intake Form during you Consultation

During your Initial Consultation, we will discuss your Intake Form in detail. Your 1 on 1 Consultation with me is important as I want to understand your area(s) of concerns, to ensure that you will be targeting the right areas that you want improved in your life.

4) Select the right Wellness plan for you

The selection of the Wellness products is based on your area(s) of concern that you would like to improve.  I will work out the steps that you need to take, and a Wellness plan that you will work on to achieve your goals.

5) Review your progress with me during free bi-weekly check-in Coaching calls

Once you have selected a Wellness plan, I provide you with free bi-weekly check-in Coaching calls to review your progress.  It is in your best interest to have regular bi-weekly reviews of your progress to help you reach your goals. I want to stay with you until you can adopt a healthy lifestyle! You will book your free bi-weekly check-in calls at appointment times convenient for you.


These are the top 5 FAQs I get asked about my Wellness Coaching. If you have any questions, please send me a message.

1) Cost of Wellness Coaching sessions?

My Wellness Coaching sessions are 100% free for my clients. You only pay for the Wellness products. I want you to reach your Wellness goals and I will provide free ongoing Coaching sessions until you adopt a healthy lifestyle.

2) Cost of Wellness products?

There are hundreds of Wellness products at varying costs to choose from depending on your lifestyle needs. From your free Initial Consultation, I will break down the cost of the Wellness products that are best suited for you.  You can also review the cost of all the Wellness products available online at any time.

3) How do I order my Wellness products?

You order all the Wellness products online and they are conveniently shipped to you.

You can order a MONTHLY PLAN, or you can place a ONE TIME ORDER. With the MONTHLY Plan you will earn back up to 30% in Wellness Product Value.

With the ONE TIME ORDER, you can pick your Wellness products a la carte, once, twice or whenever you need.

4) Can I pause or cancel my Wellness products at any time?

There are no contracts or penalty fees. If you want to take a break, you can pause or cancel your Wellness products at any time.

If you need help pausing or cancelling your Wellness products online, you can let me know or by calling the Customer Service number – whatever you prefer.  Email me back whenever you are ready to jump back in.

5) How long do your free Wellness Coaching sessions last?

I provide free ongoing Wellness Coaching sessions until you feel satisfied that you have reached all your Wellness goals. Some of my Clients are satisfied after reaching 1 or 2 goals and do not feel they need ongoing support from me. Other Clients reach a goal and want to strive for new goals with me. My free Coaching sessions continue for as long as you are interested in personal growth!

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1 Consultation

I offer a free Initial Consultation. During your Consultation, we will discuss your area(s) of concerns that you want improved in your life. I will answer all your questions about my Wellness Coaching System. To schedule your free 1:1 Consultation, click here

Choose a Wellness Plan and Set Your Goals

Once I understand your area(s) of concerns, I will help select the right Wellness plan for you. You will set a goal and I will work out all the steps that you need to take to reach your goal. A Coaching plan will be set in place to guide you.

Reach Your Goals

Once you have selected a Wellness plan, I provide you with free check-in Coaching calls to review your progress.  It is in your best interest to schedule regular reviews of your progress to help you reach your goals. I want to stay with you until you can adopt a healthy and successful lifestyle!

Have any questions? Send me a message below!