Blogs with Rose Excellence

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Why I Use the NinjaTrader Platform for Futures Trading

Many Traders have asked me what trading platform I use when daytrading the S&P ES Futures. I use the NinjaTrader platform and recommend it to anyone who wants to daytrade the Futures market. I am often asked why I’m trading the ES Futures and not the S&P CFDs...

Why I Trade Futures Instead of Forex

Many new Traders may need to learn the difference between Futures and Forex trading. When I first started on my trading journey, it was never brought to my attention, so I wasn’t prompted to investigate. I learned the hard way by spending a lot of time using an...

My Trading Journey and Lessons Learned

My Trading Journey and Lessons Learned

Many people are surprised to learn I’m a Trader (Retail Investor). I don’t fit the stereotype of a male in a business suit who works on Wall Street. In reality, many average people like me trade online from the comfort of their homes. Most people think Trading is easy...

Trading Journals

  • Journal 1: Trade Tracking Worksheet
  • Journal 2: Trading Psychology (Emotions) 

Recommended Futures Trading Platform

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