Free Initial Consultation

Are you interested in booking your Free Consultation with me?

Click on the “Book Free Consultation” button below!

Book Free Consultation

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How To Book Your Initial Consultation

1) Fill out your Intake Form (click the green "Book Free Consultation" button)

The purpose of the Intake Form is for you to let me know what your area(s) of concern is that you would like to improve.  It takes less than 5 minutes to fill out the Form.  To fill out your Intake Form, you can click here or on the “Book Free Consultation” button found at the top of this page.

2) Select an appointment time in the Calendar for your free Initial Consultation

The last step when filling out the Intake Form will show a calendar with my available appointment times. Select an appointment time in the calendar for your free Initial Consultation.  I will call you at your booked appointment time.

3) Discuss your Intake Form during your Consultation

During your Initial Consultation, we will discuss your Intake Form in detail. Your 1 on 1 Consultation with me is important as I want to understand your area(s) of concerns to ensure that you will be targeting the right areas that you want improved in your life.

4) Select the right Wellness plan for you

The selection of the Wellness products is based on your area(s) of concern that you would like to improve.  I will work out the steps that you need to take, and a Wellness plan that you will work on to achieve your goals.  I will provide you with the exact cost of the Wellness products.

5) Review your progress with me during free bi-weekly check-in Coaching calls

Once you have selected a Wellness plan, I provide you with free bi-weekly check-in calls to review your progress.  It is in your best interest to have regular bi-weekly reviews of your progress to help you reach your goals. I want to stay with you until you can adopt a healthy lifestyle!

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