Rose Excellence

Business & Wellness Coach

Helping you reach your full potential

Hi, I’m Rose Le!

Most people describe me as direct and to the point. As your Coach, I’m here to be brutally honest with you as it is in your best interest for you to reach your goals.

My Story

Business Coaching – My family fled to Canada as refugees when I was a little girl. I grew up poor and it was hard seeing other kids enjoy things that I couldn’t have. I didn’t even have a TV. My family would constantly tell me that I had to study hard in school so that I could get a good job to ensure a better life. I graduated university with an engineering degree and got a good job.

However, I saw many injustices in the workplace. I have seen a lot of hard-working people squeezed to work harder, or even being let go. I’ll never forget my co-workers that worked over 10, 15, or even 20 years lose their jobs. I won’t forget seeing my co-worker cry as she was packing up her desk – a victim of budget cutbacks. I began to realize that no matter how hard I worked, I could be let go at any moment too. My corporate job was my main income and I began to realize that I needed to find another means of income that was outside my job. I started educating myself on finances. I created passive income for myself and realized many people don’t even know what passive income is. I love helping people and want to make it easy for others to learn about financial matters. As a Business Coach, I want my clients to feel empowered to take control of their financial goals.


Wellness Coaching – I have struggled with mental health, suffering from excessive anxiety since I was a teenager. I was always worried thinking the worst things would happen to me. I didn’t learn how to deal with my emotions until I started trading the stock market. A successful Trader needs to be aware of trading psychology which was difficult for me to grasp due to my anxiety and emotions. I read trading psychology books but I could never get over my anxiety. It was only when I started meditating that I saw a difference in my trading performance and emotional well-being.

My grandparents practiced Eastern medicine such as meditation and plant-based preparations, and would share their knowledge to me. However, I did not value their teachings as a child. As a young adult, I began to see many of my friends getting serious side effects from medication. I started researching the difference between Eastern and Western medication and began realizing the benefits of Eastern medicine. My grandparents were wise and I am now grateful for what they taught me. Eastern medicine relies on natural solutions with few side effects, and I discovered a passion in helping people with their wellness issues.


My Values & Beliefs

Find multiple streams of income

Many people rely on their day job as their only source of income. But most people are not financially prepared if they get unexpectantly let go from their job. Your workplace is not loyal to you and working hard for a company does not mean you will never be let go. Invest time in yourself to get financially educated so that you can understand how to find multiple and passive streams of income. As a Business Coach, I work with people to get financially educated so that they can be in control of their finances.

Your mindset and beliefs are your greatest weapon.

Mindset is your thoughts about yourself and your surroundings. Your past experiences shape your beliefs. If you grew up being told that you wouldn’t amount to anything, you’re likely to have these beliefs as an adult. Your beliefs influence your attitude, which dictates your actions. So if you believe that you can’t achieve anything because you were told this as a kid, you may not attempt to succeed at anything. The good news is that the negative beliefs that no longer serve you can be unlearned and reprogrammed to positive beliefs. As a Personal Life Coach, I work with people to change their limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs so they can lead happier lives.

Try natural solutions first before taking medication.

Try natural solutions first before taking medication. Most medications can lead to side effects, and even addiction. I am in the Wellness space of trying natural solutions first before resorting to medication. Most medications only mask the symptoms and do not address the underlying problem. For example, I was using a hydrocortisone cream for eczema to reduce the itching. However, I would find that after a week or so, I would have to reapply the cream as the eczema wasn’t cured and didn’t permanently go away. Hydrocortisone is a steroid that can have side effects, and I used this cream for many years. It was only when I changed my diet and took supplements that my eczema actually went away.

My Approach

The main objectives of my Coaching sessions are for you to be in control of your finances, and to adopt a healthy lifestyle. My clients are mainly focused on achieving financial goals. However, some may also be interested in personal growth in other areas such as wellness and relationships which I also provide guidance for as well. Your Coaching sessions will focus on whatever areas of your life you would like to improve. If you are willing to put in the work, I will work with you to help you achieve your goals.

I offer a Free Initial Consultation for you to speak to me first to see if my Coaching System is a right fit for you. You got nothing to lose. Click here or on the “Schedule A Free 1 on 1” button below!

Wellness eBook Series

  • eBook 1: “Wellness 101”

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