You may have heard of Omega fish oils but what exactly are they? Omegas are essential fatty acids (EFAs) that cannot be produced by our body and so we get them from the foods we eat. The most common Omega EFAs are Omega-3 and Omega-6. Let’s look at the importance of Omega-3.

1) An Unbalanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio Leads to Inflammation

Do you eat a lot of fried or fatty foods? Do you consume processed foods prepared with vegetable oil? Most North Americans consume too much Omega-6 as it is found in vegetable oils and not enough Omega-3. Scientific research shows that humans need to consume a balanced 1-to-1 ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 for optimal health. Studies have proven that a diet containing more Omega-6 intake compared to Omega-3 will lead to health problems such as an increased risk for chronic inflammation, metabolic disease, and deteriorating cognitive function! 1, 2, 3

To keep a balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 EFAs, reduce fried and fatty foods and eat foods like fish, nuts, and seeds that are high in Omega-3. Most people do not get enough Omega-3 in their diets and so it important to take an Omega-3 supplement.

xEO Mega Omega 3 supplement

2) Heavy Metals Found in Fish

Although fish is a good source of Omega-3, the government dietary guidelines do not advise eating fish every day due to the high level of toxins, mercury and other heavy metals found in the oceans. To ensure you are getting enough Omega-3, you can take an Omega-3 supplement such as the xEO Mega that uses a micro-filtration process to remove the contaminants from the fish oil while providing the right amount of Omega-3.

xEO Mega contains a wide range of Omega-3 from fish and plant sources to provide a balance of vital nutrients. One serving of xEO Mega contains 900 mgs of pure and concentrated fish lipids (providing 300 mg of EPA, 300 mg of DHA, and 70 mg of other omega-3s). It also contains 250 mg of plant-sourced fatty acids from Echium and Pomegranate seed oil as listed on the xEO Mega Supplement Facts sheet below.

xEO Mega Supplement Facts Info

3) Omega-3s Cannot Be Produced by the Body and Required for Many Critical Human Functions

Omega-3s are EFAs that cannot be produced by our body and so we must rely on the foods that we eat, or an Omega-3 supplement to provide these nutrients. EFAs are required for critical human functions such as brain development, muscle activity, joint health, and others.

Omega-3s have the following positive benefits:

  • brain function 4, 5
  • heart cardiovascular health 6
  • anti-inflammatory 7
  • eye function 8
  • joint health and mobility
  • promotes healthy immune function 9
  • skin health 10
Zoom in of the xEO Mega supplement

Alternative Omega-3 Supplement for Vegetarians

Vegetarians have the option take the “vEO Mega” Omega-3 supplement which contains only plant-based fatty acids. Flaxseed oil provides an Omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The human body can synthesize ALA to DHA and EPA (DHA and EPA are Omega-3s). Therefore some nuts and seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3s.

A daily dose of vEO Mega provides 1,200 milligrams of botanical omegas with 450 mg of ALA from flaxseed oil and 105 mg Inca Inchi oil, 20 mg of GLA from borage oil, 100 mg of DHA from algae oil, and a varied blend of other plant-sourced essential fatty acids. vEO Mega also includes 20 mcg of natural vitamin D, 40 mg of natural vitamin E, and 1 mg of pure Astaxanthin (a powerful antioxidant carotenoid harvested from microalgae). See below for the vEO Mega Supplement Facts list.

vMega Supplement Facts Info

Reducing inflammation and supporting healthy immune function are the main reasons why I take the xEO Mega supplement. I hope you found this article helpful in providing information about the benefits of taking Omega-3 supplements. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message at

Thank you,

Rose 🌹