Over 65% of Americans take vitamins or supplements. Some people take Multi-Vitamins because they feel they are not getting enough nutrients in their diet. There are hundreds of multi-vitamin products found at the store and online. With so many products to choose from, I recommend that you to do some research to choose the right multi-vitamin for you. Here are 3 factors to consider when choosing the right multi-vitamin:

1) Whole Food-Based Supplements

Many people don’t realize that taking a vitamin does not guarantee that your body fully absorbs that vitamin and receive all the benefits. If a vitamin brand is synthetically created, your body may have a hard time recognizing and absorbing the nutrients. Over 90% of vitamin brands use synthetically created vitamins. If you are taking a synthetic supplement, and your body cannot absorb most of the nutrients, you are just wasting money!  

When choosing a multi-vitamin, look for a whole food-based supplements because it will contain concentrated portions of real whole fruits and vegetables that your body can recognize and absorb. If you take a vitamin that doesn’t contain any whole foods (that is, it is synthetically created), your body may not recognize it and will flush it out of your system. 1

I take a whole food-based supplement called VMz, which contains nutrient rich foods such as kale, dandelion, kelp, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, spinach, and parsley. All the vitamins and minerals in VMz are also cultured in yeast to help the body recognize them as food. As the yeast grows, it metabolizes and binds the vitamins into its protein matrix. The minerals in VMz are combined with amino acids to form complexes. This patented protein matrix process is an added feature in VMz that makes the vitamins more readily absorbed in the same way as when they are in food.

VMz Multi-vitamin

2) Essential Micronutrients

A good multi-vitamin should contain these essential micronutrients:

  • Vitamin C, iron, and biotin (vitamin B7)
  • Calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc
  • Vitamin D2 or D3
  • B6, B12, and folate
  • Vitamins A (including beta carotene), E, and K
  • B vitamins: Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin

The VMz multi-vitamin contains 22 essential vitamins and minerals as listed on the Supplement Facts sheet listed below. 

VMz Supplement Facts Info

3) Appropriate Daily Values of Essential Nutrients

A good multi-vitamin will contain 100% of the Daily Value for most, but not all of its vitamins. Not all nutrients should be at 100% of the Daily Value for the following reasons:

  • Vitamin K can build up in the body and become toxic over time
  • Calcium can’t be included in a multi-vitamin at 100% of the recommended daily requirement as the pill would be too large to swallow
  • Magnesium levels are kept low to avoid drug-nutrient interactions

As outlined on the VMz Supplement Facts sheet, 15 of the 22 essential nutrients in VMz are provided at 100% of the Daily Value.  The remaining 7 essential nutrients have a lower value for the reasons previously mentioned above. 

Zoom in of the VMz Multi-vitamin

I take VMz because I have seen improvement to my skin tone and enhanced my hair health. I believe it boosts my immune system and overall general health. Whatever multi-vitamin you choose to take, just make sure you look at the 3 factors that I have listed in this article. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message at RoseExcellenceCoach@gmail.com.

Thank you,

Rose 🌹